Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Formula For Happiness Discovered! Brit Researchers Are ... Happy!

Happiness = P + 5E + 3H.

What, you didn't know that? Reuters did.

After interviewing 1000 people, the British researchers -- a psychologist and a self-styled "life coach" -- came up with the equasion in which: P stands for Personal Characteristics (outlook on life, adaptability and resilience); E for Existence (health, friendships and financial stability) and H represents Higher Order (self-esteem, expectations and ambitions).

The results of the pioneering work by psychologist Carol Rothwell and Pete Cohen showed that men and women found happiness in different ways.

Sunny weather, being with family and losing weight were more of an influence on women's happiness, while romance, sex, hobbies and victories by their favorite sports teams were more important to men.

"The findings show that certain events, such as job promotion, can impact positively on your overall happiness," Rothwell said.

Fancy that ... sex, sports and hobbies make men happy. Who'd a thunk it, Ed. wonders.

Ed. does know what makes junk scientists happy -- that people and companies and governments actually fund these kinds of research projects.


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