Monday, December 16, 2002

Mama Mia! No Monica!

After having struck out in her bid to become a White House staffer, and blowing her shot at replacing Hillary Clinton as Bill's main squeeze, poor little Monica Lewinsky has now been frustrated in her attempt to become the Oprah of Italian TV, AP tells the Chicago Sun-Times.

Apparently, Italy's state-run TV station, RAI, has bounced Lewinsky from "Domenica In," a Sunday Afternoon chat show, saying it was decided that she would be too spicy for the family variety program.

Perhaps it wasn't the Clinton scandal that did Monica in this time, however. The show's standard format calls for a glamorous woman in the role of host. That pretty much excludes White House snake charmer Lewinsky, whose sole claim to fame thus far comes from her experience as a Presidential cigar holder.

But what's a girl to do to make a living when she has only one discernable talent, such as it is?

Ed. hears the role of "fluff girl" pays good money.


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