Ed. Note said today that CBS news ought not be so defensive about challenges to the credibility of its Bush memo. The Chicago Sun-Times shares some thoughts on the controversy, here.
There's many more links to the IBM Selectric Bush memo story, here.
"It's not that I care all that much about Bush's service record," said Ed. "Nor about Kerry's. One issue, for me, is whether a news organization is willing to re-reinvestigate its evidence in light of such substantial challenges to its authenticity. "
Another issue, said Ed., is whether someone has committed forgery during such an important period for public examination of presidential candidates.
Many Americans feel that truly honorable service in a reserve branch of the military is, in fact, true and heartfelt service to one's country. It is impossible to argue to the contrary and, yet, honor the sacrifices of guardsmen and reservists now engaged in military operations overseas or in support roles back home.
Ed. Note notes that he was against the war in Viet Nam, but supports current US intervention in Iraq and elsewhere. He hopes that doesn't get him accused of "flip-flopping" on the issue of whether the US ought to respond to credible threats against its security.
"In the end, whether genuine or not, either the critics or CBS ought to have enough integrity to admit error," said Ed.. "And also in the end, neither Kerry nor Bush are the same person they were 30 years ago, so stow the nostalgic reprise of who they were then. Show me who you are now; dazzle us with your plans to get us out of these quagmires."